Heinz Liber
Professor, Ph.d.

The hallmark of modern man's progression is that we finally realize with utter certainty that we're still struggling in the mire or our failed creation. The folly of modern man is that we have the faintest notion of what to do about it.
-Heinz Liber, Phd.

A noted figure among psychoanalysts, Doctor Heinz Liber is a founding pioneer in the new field of Rhetorical Psychology. Dr. Liber first gained recognition for his groundbreaking work with the inmates at the Broadgate Hospital in Walkington, England.

It was at this location that Dr. Liber began formulating his assessment of the rational mind, and through his evaluative models improved the classification systems employed in mental health assessments throughout Europe and the UK.

Chief amongst his achievements is identifying his six classes of realization--a discovery he attributes to his research of ancient orders and pre-Hellenic Greek proto-democracies--which include Doctrine, and Play among others.

Since leaving Broadgate, Dr. Liber has lectured at universities and research institutions across the world. He's currently on sabbatical, living for two years amongst the native people of Peru.

Selected Publications

Attainment and Efficacy: The Hexagonal Model of the Ideal Psyche
Psycho-Philosophical Review. 1979.

Mytho-Rational Actualization: The Impact of Pagan Conceits in the Prehistoric Brain
Journal of Comparative Archeology. 1971.

The Modern Neurosis
Cudge and Crisp. 1968.

Last modified October 12, 1995